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อยากทำ auto gyro ใครพอมีคำแนะนำ บ้าง
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ศุกร์ที่ , 29/4/2554
เวลา : 11:48

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คำตอบที่ 5
       The average specs & parameters for a flyable
tractor powered ...... MODEL AUTOGYRO

This file will occasionally undergo a few revisions, I will attempt to mark those revisions as "new". Hopefully I will be able to eventually present a few important key specs in relative to the design of a "pusher" type model.

Except where specifically noted, this graphic applies only to R/C non-winged tractor style (engine in front) model Autogyros and also does not fully cover all the experiences of every Autogyro modeler.

An Autogyro.... is very different in many ways when compared to either an Airplane (fixed wing) or a Helicopter. An Autogyro is not a modification of the Helicopter.... The Helicopter is a modification of the Autogyro.

This information is posted here simply as an aid to those modelers interested in trying their hand at designing, building, and flying a model of their own... It can also be of great help in determining why a model is not performing as well as anticipated. Keep in mind that if you deviate from the average or norm in one area, it will potentially / adversely affect another parameter.

Simply put, the Autogyro depends on an initially high positive angle of attack of the rotor to initiate acceleration, and while the angle of attack remains positive (average of about 10 degrees) , throughout the flight, lift is still produced by down flow from the rotor blades. While it appears that the airflow is constantly "up" thru the rotor, technically this cannot produce lift. Since our simple Autogyro models have an unpowered rotor, and a fixed incidence pitch of the blades, we tilt the rotor to accomplish a climb, descent, or turn.... whereas the Helicopter depends on pulling the airflow "down" through the rotor, by varying the blade incidence, of a powered rotor.. and is able to change attitude by simply cycling the incidence of the blades. Our autogyros must have a lifting airfoil on the blades, whereas the helicopter blade airfoil is generally symmetrical.

To control the direction of our gyros we will tilt the rotor disk just as you would the wing / tail of an airplane. along with providing some sort of stabilizing tail fins... We can directly tilt the rotor via servos, use an elevator and rudder, or a combination of both. Without the full cyclic blade control of the blades of the helicopter, we also must provide a propelling engine to pull or push the Autogyro forward through the air. All these are basically what separates the gyro from the heli... in as simple terms as I can express.

It is not a simple matter to find the proper balance of angles and measurements for a model Autogyro. They are far more critical with this unique type craft than the average fixed wing model airplane. The angles and measurements mentioned here have been accumulated thru years of experience and experimentation, and are close approximates. They do not fully apply to models that utilize a small to medium sized wing (such as the Gyrace, or even the Whistler). Nor do they apply to a modified helicopter such as the Robbe Whopper, Kalt Robin, or the Micro-Mold Wallis models labeled as Autogyros. Those latter models are basically helicopter models without a powered rotor, and an engine installed to compensate for this change..

Keep in mind that a particular model may necessarily deviate from the above slightly, due to differences in design (tractor versus pusher), etc. Technically it seems far easier to begin with an all new model, versus trying to convert a model not originally designed as a gyro or even a tail controlled gyro not originally designed as a DC (Direct servo Control) gyro. Please read over the following explanations in regard to some of these differences.


A: Engine Downthrust... 5 degrees (3 to 8 degrees)

Engine downthrust is necessary for a model Autogyro to aid in overcoming the drag of the rotor system, which is located high ( vertically) above the horizontal centerline and Center of Gravity of the craft.. It would be nice to have the Thrustline project thru the Center of Gravity (which, by the way, is virtually necessary with the "pusher" models), (CG) however this is impractical for most of these models, so we use just enough to assist in maintaining a level flight attitude. A Downthrust of 10 to 15 degrees is not unheard of, however this high amount is indicative of a rotor being placed perhaps too high, creating excessive drag. Placing the rotor as low as practical should reduce the DT to the 5 to 8 degree average many of us find works very well. If you have a model that seems to be flying tail low all the time, it may have insufficient downthrust, or perhaps it also needs a "lifting airfoil" on the stabilizer, or the incidence of the stab needs to be shimmed slightly positive (giving it a slight lift). Consider also the relative strength of your motor. If you know your motor is in the small / low power range, it may require slightly more DT as an aid in countering rotor drag.

B: Mast angle or Aft Rotor Tilt.(aft of a true vertical line) .. 10 degrees (6 to 14 degrees)

This is the amount (in degrees) the rotor shaft (thus the incidence of the entire rotor disk / plane of the rotor) is tilted aft for an initial (zero pitch trim) position. Much seems to depend on the type/location of the stabilizer system installed, as well as the amount of downthrust, and the CG location. As an example, With a lifting stab`, the angle will probably be 10 degrees or more. With a relatively flat stab` the angle will decrease. If you find your model requires more aft tilt than this in the neutral trim position, you may have too much downthrust or the model may be nose heavy, with a larger than normal "hang angle". A correction in this situation could mean a slight aft shifting of the CG, and / or a decrease in downthrust.

C: Rotor Disk Height... roughly equal to "E" , but no more than "E", plus perhaps 25%.

This can be a highly variable measurement. One finding is that the higher the rotor (vertically) the more stable the model, however the more difficult to accomplish a decent coordinated turn (it may possibly "resist" a turn). The lower the rotor height, the more maneuverable a model may be, but less overall stable. A model utilizing a very high (vertically) rotor position will generally require coordinated rudder assistance to complete a turn. With totally direct control (fins without rudder or elevator) models, the rotor height is more critical to accomplish coordinated flight, therefore are more difficult to design and fly. However, a properly designed DC model is more controllable throughout its speed range, and can be controlled down to zero forward airspeed, versus strictly a rudder/elevator and no tilting rotor. Some full sized flyers may not find this true of their craft, however it is something we have found to be true with these models.

D: Rotor Disk Diameter... sufficient to equate to a disk load of less than 5 ounces per sq. foot.

The lower the disk load, obviously the better chance the model has to fly. Models with loads over 6.0 are relatively heavy, and will experience problems with hovering in anything less than a strong breeze. They will also require a longer ground T/O distance and/or be more difficult to hand launch. Many of the finer flying models have disk loads in the area of 2 to 3... You should probably review the following graphic charts on this subject: Model Autogyro Flight Prediction Chart and Model Autogyro Calculations. You may think "why not just increase the rotor size to obtain the lower (better) disk loading?" Well, that's not the simple solution. By simply increasing the size of the rotor you also increase the rotor drag, and this is something you must consider before making such a change.

Rotor Disk Solidity...3 or 4 blades recommended (number of rotor blades..)
The actual number of rotor blades is not critical for model performance. We note that rotor RPM may decrease some as you add blades, thus simply the adding of blades does not significantly alter the rotor performance. A single, counter balanced blade, would possibly work, however it`s use is not as practical as two or more. Two rotor blades work fair, but experience with models tells us they are not as efficient or as easy to pre-spin as three or four.. Three blades perform exceptionally well, and many modelers report they seem to add a bit more stability and steadiness to a model. Four blades work very well, and will improve rotor efficiency slightly, if you want to go to the effort to built more than three blades. If your model is an attempt at scaling a full sized machine using four or more blades, use the correct number, however do not expect much (if any) increase in efficiency. Suggestion: It is a good idea when you make blades, to make an extra identical one for the set...... Sooner or later you will probably need to replace a blade.

Rotor Blade Aspect Ratio...10:1 is a good place to begin (length versus chord-width)
An acceptable range for blades that always seem to work for these models is sometimes can be anywhere from 8:1 to 12:1. With the ratio of 10:1 being a good place to begin with. This fact was verified in the spring 2000 wind tunnel tests. Short / wide ones will work, as well as long narrow ones, however the most consistently efficient ones seem to be within the range mentioned above. Thickness at the maximum lift point of the chord should also be watched. Blades with a thickness of over 16% of the chord tend to have a more blunt (higher radius) leading edge, and thus are a bit too thick. They also tend to be more difficult to pre-spin. Measuring quite a few of the blades that seem to be more efficient for these models, the range is 13% to 16%, with the majority closer to the 13% area. The leading edge should not be highly round or blunt... A fairly narrow leading edge radius is desirable, along with a thin trailing edge.. We accomplish this by using the Clark W, K, or Y airfoil, with a flattened out bottom, into what we generally refer to as a "flat bottomed Clark-Y" airfoil. Full sized "rotorcraft" (gyroplanes) frequently have a slightly "reflexed" trailing edge to their blades (Clark - YS), which aids in preventing "tuck under".of the leading edge... This reflex is usually in the form of a slightly up-turned trailing edge, and has been found to work well on models, however is difficult to make. If you have the capability of building slightly more complex airfoiled blades, seriously consider the SG6042 for your airfoils... This airfoil scored exceptional in the spring 2000 wind tunnel tests.

E: Nose (prop) to Rotor Mast.. roughly equal to "C", keep short, just sufficient to balance the model just forward of the rotor shaft.

For stability the rotor normally is placed higher than the length of the nose. If you want to employ direct servo rotor control (DC) to control the model, extending the nose too far may make it difficult to impossible for the model to initiate a turn without the additional use of a rudder. Also remember for each added bit of length or weight to the nose section, you may have to add at least 1/2 that weight to the tail section to maintain balance. The point is.... keep the nose short as practical.

Center of Gravity....

The model needs to balance just forward of the rotor shaft, and will necessarily be above the fuselage due to the volume, weight, and drag of the rotor system. This latter item is one major difference to the average model airplane, and must be kept in mind. Due to the configuration of an Autogyro this may place the CG in a position where you cannot "grasp" the model at this point. To check for balance/CG location, hold the model by the rotor shaft and note the nose down attitude of the model in reference to a horizontal line through the center of the fuselage to the tail. This is what we call "hang angle" and will vary from model to model, however the average is around 5 to 10 degrees (nose down). Just as with disk loading, the higher the hang angle, the heavier the model may fly. The less, the lighter it will fly, but may be less stable. Just remember... if the model is balanced directly at the center of the rotor (shaft) it will be extremely sensitive in both pitch and roll, therefore it is much easier to control with a slightly forward CG... A tractor model with very little or no hang angle may not assume a nose down glide with engine failure, and thus will be virtually uncontrollable. A model under these conditions will simply drift with the breeze and hopefully complete a parachute type descent.

An Autogyro aircraft behaves just like a fixed wing model aircraft in regard to CG location.. . As the CG is moved aft, the model will become increasingly control sensitive and perhaps uncontrollable. However if you elect to move the CG forward too much (increasing the hang angle ) , the model will begin to fly like it is overweight. If your model seems to require an excessive amount of down hang angle, then you are perhaps correcting for an excessive rotor height (spec "C" above) or some other sort of stability problem in your system that needs attention? Note that you can fairly well locate the exact Center of Gravity by noting the vertical line through the model while holding the model by the propellor shaft, and noting where the hang line passes through this line...

F: Rotor to Tail distance.. normally double the distance "E" ..

Extending the tail unnecessarily may create a similar problem as stated above in regard to extending the nose. Once you establish the size of the rotor desired, place the tail fin just aft of the max radius of the rotor (by perhaps 1/2 to 1").. This applies to models where the tail is aft of the rotor. If your model has an aft fuselage that can flex upon touchdown on landing, additional clearance may be needed. Normally under controlled conditions, and with properly tip weighted rotor blades, the rotor will not flap down on impact, however with a Fiber tube fuselage it is very possible for the fuse / tail to flex upward and strike the rotor.

G: Vertical Fin Area... approximately 2.0 to 3.5 % of the Rotor Disk Area. (and approximately 45 to 55 % of the horizontal stabilizer area)
This will vary greatly depending on the particular design, with this figure applying to the model with the tail aft of the rotor blade tips. The tail feathers need to be kept close (but allow at least ? to 1") blade tip clearance. Extending the tail well aft of the model may increase its stability, however decrease its ability to complete a coordinated turn without the need for lots of rudder assistance. Enlarging the rotor and extending it aft /over the tail changes several variables, which will not be covered until a later revision of this page.

Horizontal Stabilizer Area... approximately 5 to 8 % of Rotor Disk Area. If the rotor is directly servo controlled, and elevator + rudder control is not used, the tail can be slightly smaller in size.
A few DC models have been known to fly without a horizontal stabilizer, and a smaller vertical fin... however at least some horizontal stabilzer is desirable, and a good average sized vertical fin is virtually always necessary.... A few simple tests were completed with the Horizontal Stabilizer moved forward 1 / 2 the distance from the rotor mast and highly erratic model behavior was noted. However moving the Vertical Fin forward had very little effect, with the model remaining stable.

H: Rotor Pitch control limits ... + / - 8 degrees

Rotor Lateral Tilt control limits... + / - 7 degrees.
This applies to rotors that have Direct Servo Control (DC).. Models seem to be far more sensitive in Roll than in Pitch.. A new model may be oversensitive in roll if you install more tilting than mentioned here. However initially you may want to install slightly more than the 8 degrees of pitch tilt to provide a cushion of control. NOTE: it is not unusual for some models to resist a roll/turn to the left, and may require some left trim. Some new models have been found to be unable to turn left on the first flight, so it may be advisable to install an extra 2 to 3 degrees of left roll tilt throw on the initial flight tests, with a possible subsequent requirement of for a pre-set left tilt trim a several degrees for all flights..... This may mean a slight problem involving Dissymmetry of Lift (unbalanced lift towards one side) and while it is difficult to explain, it is almost always in the direction of the retreating blade. Note: most of us employ the counter - rotating (as viewed from the top) rotor, for several reasons, and in general we are always speaking of a CCW rotor.

Note: You can possibly detect this problem prior to the initial flights by conducting a hand-held-nose-high rotor test with the nose pointed into a good breeze... Allow the rotor to fully accelerate and note any tendency for the model to tilt to either side.
If it does, consider pre-trimming a couple degrees opposite the direction of roll. In otherwords, if it rolls to the left, trim a degree or two to the right. As mentioned before, it seems to always be in the direction of the retreating blade.
NOTE: I have noted an interesting situation regarding the above in reference to electric powered gyros. If you replace your electric motor with one of significantly more power, the model then will often roll to the left on initial flights. The larger propellor on the electrics produces a much stronger torque effect on these small models.

Model Weight: This is critical. Use the lightest building materials available, yet maintaining reasonable strength. Light Balsa, light Plywood, Carbon Fiber, etc. Use the smallest servos that will serve the purpose, such as sub micro and micro for throttles, strong sub-micro (20 - 25 ounce torque or higher), mini, or lightweight others for rotor controls under 1 meter ( 39" ). Small, compact battery packs, receivers, wheels, etc., are best..... anything to keep the gross weight down. You may be surprised to know that servo damage usually only occurs on the ground, not in flight. Tipping the model over on landing, tripping the blades can damage servos.... Never use more than 1 (one) hard bolt to mount the blades unless absolutely necessary for a very large model. A common blade mounting bolt being used is a 4x40... however for the smaller models (1 meter rotor or less) a 2-56 has been more than adequate (zero known failures to date) and a gram saved is important! In addition to a single bolt, use balsa shear pins for the small, and a nylon bolt is good for the larger models. This is to aid in keeping the blade straight during initial spin-up. If not, you will need to torque down the single bolt. I prefer the addition of a balsa pin rather than the single bolt simply because the torque of the single bolt requires a heavier bolt mounting and it`s frustrating to keep the blades aligned for pre-spin with a single bolt. For rotors over 4 feet (1.2 meters) , a nylon shear bolt works well, rather than the balsa pin. See this performance Chart...

Engine power: It is not necessary nor always advantageous to overpower a model Autogyro. The generally acceptable requirement a few years ago was for the thrust to equal at least ? of the weight of the model. If the model weighed 3#, then you needed a bare minimum of 1 ? pounds of thrust available. This now appears now to be an underestimate... Recent practical experience has demonstrated that the ? weight in thrust is marginal, especially when flying well above sea level. I`d suggest about 75% or more of the weight in thrust . In other words, if the model weighs two pounds, then you should use at least 1 ? pounds of thrust. A 1 to 1 ratio may not be necessary, and may be unwise unless the additional engine weight does not create an excessive disk loading. Using a large powerful (heavy) engine can also create an "overpower" situation at times. In regard to electric models, it is very difficult (with the weight of the current batteries being considered) to obtain sufficient power. Electric models must be built as light as possible.. For our reference purposes, a "strong" electric Speed 400 motor is about equal to .050 in glow motor (IC) power. Refer / to this chart...

To fully understand.. all the information presented here, you need to read over the many technical articles posted on this web site. Propellor size and use, as an example is different from a average / normal model airplane. We must necessarily go for power (larger diameter) and low speed (low pitch). The recent (1989-99) research / experimentation with the Electric versions, the almost necessary larger (than glow size) propellors has dramatically demonstrated that the torque effect of the larger prop will tend to turn these (smaller) models with throttle changes....

Remember: Except where specifically noted, this graphic applies only to tractor style, (engine in front) R/C models that do not employ an additional small fixed wing... and also does not fully cover all the experiences of every Autogyro modeler.

Jim Baxter, revised 22 Dec 2003

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bullseyebullseye จาก JSF ศุกร์, 6/5/2554 เวลา : 12:54  IP :   

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คำตอบที่ 6
FLYING A MODEL AUTOGYRO... What`s so different about it?

Most experienced, long time modelers, would find an autogyro fairly easy to fly once they understand how it responds/behaves. An R/C helicopter flyer would adapt to an Autogyro fairly quick. A new R/C flyer, and even one with limited experience, could find it difficult and frustrating. However once you have experienced a successful flight the feeling is absolutely fantastic, and more often than not the modeler goes on to experience different and more advanced versions of the model Autogyro.

This page is posted here as an aid to those fledgling GyroNuts about to attempt their very first R/C Autogyro flight. Generally most of the comments pertain to models of the 'non-fixed-winged' design. Regardless of the design, the information will familiarize you with the flight characteristics of un-powered rotorcraft even though some models may have the assistance of a stubby wing.


Before you fly, be sure your rotor freely rotates, and test it in a light breeze. Face into the wind, hold the model in one hand and pre-spin the rotor with the other hand. Raise the nose high (maybe 45-60 degrees) and while facing the wind, observe the rotation. How quickly the rotor spins up rapidly will depend on the strength of the wind. With very light breezes, it may not accelerate much at all until you increase the effectiveness (speed) of the breeze by walking directly into the breeze while continuing to hold the model nose high. You may even have to jog slowly.

If the rotor still does not spin up, you may have to slightly increase the negative incidence of the blades. By the same reasoning, if the rotor seems to spin-up almost too easily, you may want to remove some negative incidence. The more the negative incidence, the quicker the spin-up, but the rotor performance will suffer. Ideally, for maximum performance, you would like to have zero or possibly a little positive incidence in the blades.
Once you have noticed the rpm increasing, now you will be looking for it to accelerate into an "Autorotation" condition, which is necessary for the system to provide sufficient lift for flight. Autorotation will be noticeable in a few different ways. One, you can see the blades really accelerate rather suddenly. Two, you can generally audibly 'hear' the acceleration. Three, the increase in lift should remarkably increase. If you don`t feel the increase in lift, then the system may be inefficient and in-flight performace may be poor.

Flight (full) rpm must be present for launch or the model will normally roll into the retreating rotor blade, since the lift will be higher on the advancing side at low rpm. You cannot (should not) pull the model off the ground as you might be able to do with an airplane. If the rotor is up to speed the model will want to lift off on its own. If it has not lifted off as you approach the end of the field, it is best to cut off the power and abort the attempt.
Caution: Do not rush the ground take-off. Apply power slowly and allow the model to accelerate slowly! Do not attempt a cross-wind takeoff, unless you have a lateral tilting rotor and rudder control to assist. Generally, follow the rule of not taking off cross wind any time.

Actually hand launching of a small model (less than four feet of rotor) is almost preferable for the first few flights. One primary reason is that the model is closer to you at release and it is easier and quicker to see what correction is needed. With a ground launch (ROG) the model may be just far enough away that you may have difficulty reacting quickly enough for a correction. Small electric models are generally always hand launched, simply because of the excess energy necessary to complete the ground launch. If you are hand launching, wait for autorotation and then (and only then) push the model forward and slightly upward. If you release it too soon (prior to autorotation) it will most probably roll/turn in the direction of the retreating blades, and drop rapidly. If you throw or toss it too hard, it may nose up suddenly [click] and/or sharply. Under normal conditions, the model should proceed forward in level flight, enter a slight climb, and possibly begin a slow right turn, giving you sufficient time to gain full control with your transmitter.


Limit bank/tilt angles to 30 degrees. At bank angles between about 30 and 45 degrees, extreme caution must be exercised or you may lose control. If you exceed these angles, the model may simply slide out of control and enter the deadly spiral turn. The model will normally be flying in a one "g" condition, and only use just enough elevator (aft tilt) pressure to hold level flight. Do not attempt to push forward which will create a 'negative' g-force condition, unloading the rotor. These models are normally not sensitive in pitch/elevation, and elevation is easy to control through the use of power rather than transmitter elevation control. However they do generally react quickly to a roll/turn input.

Orientation is far more difficult with the Autogyro than a standard fixed wing model airplane. One good flight technique is to -always- turn toward yourself whenever possible, especially when the model is very far away. With brightly colored rotor blade top surfaces, the blades will then become visible when it is banked -toward- yourself and you will know what it is happening. It is not uncommon for an R/C flyer to -relax- on the controls after initiating a turn. This technique can present a problem with many gyros, since the model will tend to -level out- with the lack of control pressure. Apply the control pressure to begin the turn, observe the attitude, and continue to hold a miniumum of pressure to continue the turn. Notice that this does not mean -continue to increase, but simply hold what you have.

Picture a model airplane flying around with just the fuselage and tail showing, and this is somewhat like the Autogyro in flight. The limited profile of most autogyros will make it easy to become confused if you allow it to get very far away. If you become confused and lose control, reduce power (glow models) quickly and relax on the controls. With electric models, relax on the controls and use caution with power changes. The larger relative propellor on many electrics have a very pronounced torque effect with large power changes. Frequently, with a relaxation of controls, the model will attempt to level/right itself below the rotor. This will hopefully give you the opportunity to re-orientate on the model and regain control.

"To tilt or not to tilt"

DC models utilize full servo control, both lateral and pitch tilting of the rotor, and generally do not utilize a rudder or elevator for flight control. The advantage of DC is that control (except yaw) can be exercised at all airspeeds, right down to zero speed, including landing. A non-DC model is fully controllable, as long as it is above the minimum airspeed for rudder and elevator effectiveness. A zero ground roll landing for a non-dc model can only be accomplished if you have some wind to retain rudder/elevator effectiveness.

In flight a DC model may experience a horizontal (flat) rotation if permitted to slow to zero flight speed in light wind conditions without the aid of a rudder to counter the rotation. Usually this will only happen if the nose is raised somewhat excessively relative to the slow forward speed. Lateral DC tilting is highly effective. Very little tilting will cause the model to react. Pitch tilt, while effective, is not as 'sensitive' as lateral tilt.

Many of the non-pitch tilting models have the rotor placed high to clear the tail fin, and for an added bit of stability. However a higher placed rotor (vertically) than average may require the addtion of rudder control to accomplish a turn. The lateral tilt simply "tilts" the model, but it won`t turn until you add rudder.

Another type model is the one with "Teeterbars", a blade system where the blades are rigidly connected together at the center and "teeter" at the center shaft. As one blade goes up, the other goes down. This configuration works, and has been employed sucessfully with the "Whistler". However, they just don`t seem to be nearly as efficient as the three or more bladed individually hinged rotors. My Whistler flys, but requires a much higher airspeed to maintain lift, even though it also has a supplemental wing to support the craft. It will not fly without the wing, nor will it fly without the rotor, at least mine won`t. It will not hover in anything less than a relatively strong wind of at least 10 knots.

Other teeters I have watched, and have been told about, seem to behave the same, and everyone I know of that has attempted the teeter system eventually abandoned it for the individually hinged system. I don`t know if this is a result of poor design on the part of the modeler or simply a fact of teetering models? Remember this is not to be compared with the teeter type rotor systems employing the helicopter/flybar. They are converted helicopters, not the style of pure autogyro we are speaking of, and fly very different than the non-heli system.

Will a full sized autogyro perform aerobatics? Yes, to a degree. A Pitcairn craft was known to have performed loops during exhibition shows. Will the models perform aerobatics? Yes. Much better and easier than the full sized craft, but certainly not nearly as smooth. Depending on the type rotor system employed (which will dictate the amount of forward airspeed necessary) , loops and rolls can be flown. The same precautions as you would use with the average model airplanes are necessary. Just obtain a little additional altitude and airspeed to insure recovery if you fail to execute the maneuver properly. Caution: If you intend to practice aerobatics, it is advisable that you install slightly stronger servos, especially on the pitch control portion.. There is more stress/load on the pitch axis/servo than the lateral /roll servo.

And what happens if the engine quits?

Will this type model simply fall and destroy itself, if so much depends on the engine to propel it forward ( thus maintaining flight capable rotor rpm), and suddenly the engine fails?
Well not really.... However it is certainly not like a model airplane where the craft usually will assume a decent glide angle and float in for a typical "dead stick" landing. If your model has been properly balanced with the Center of Gravity just forward of the rotor shaft/spindle (or as prescribed for your particular model), it will (should) assume a slightly nose down attitude under light or no wind conditions and descend nearly vertical like a "soft rock". With D/C servo control you will have some degree of control over the general flying attitude and hopefully be able to "break" the rate of descent sufficiently to accomplish a soft landing. With a rudder/elevator controlled model, you will not have nearly as much direct control over the attitude, however you should be able to lower the nose enough to accelerate sufficiently to be able to use the rudder and elevator to "break" the descent just prior to touchdown. Again, this depends on the balance (hang angle) of the model. Little or no hang angle ( relatively neutral CG ), and you will have very little control over the descent. With between 5 to 10 degrees of down hang, the model should give you a forward glide, though rather steep, and the opportunity to have some control effectiveness.
It may sound stupid to lower the nose during the latter portion of the descent thus increasing the rate of descent, however this is one key to a successful soft landing. The object is to gain sufficient airspeed to allow the aft tilting of the rotor and / or "up" elevator to raise the nose and reduce the rate of descent immediately prior to touchdown. Timing of this is critical, obviously.. Break the descent too early, the model may drop the final foot or so tail first. Break too late, and crunch!
It is good idea to actually practice engine failure landings. Position the model with the nose pointed toward yourself, slightly upwind ( but still over the landing field ) , at perhaps 200 to 300 feet of altitude. Reduce the power to idle (tick over), and notice the degree of control you have... Attempt to gain more control by lowering the nose ( this is where D/C really come s in handy ) and then break the descent for landing. With initially using idle power, you always have the opportunity to abort and try again. Once you feel comfortable, then actually stop the engine and prove to yourself that you can prevent a destructive landing.


Most R/C modelers with some flying experience can fly a model autogyro, if a degree of common sense and caution is exercised. The rotor must be at full flying rpm (into autorotation) before the model will fly ( non-fixed winged models ). Orientation is difficult and tricky, keep the model within a few hundred feet ( 50-75 meters). Limit bank angles to prevent loss of control. Do not push down/negative control pressures ( the model needs to fly at a slight positive 'g' pressure ). Land before fuel is exhausted and with power applied With engine failure attempt to gain sufficient airspeed to allow a breaking of the descent. Please Note: The electric models I have experience with utilize a much larger propellor (geared motor) and with power failure (or a sudden closing of the throttle) the model may literally 'stop' flying and drop rapidly/unexpectedly due to the breaking effect of the large prop. With this in mind limit initial electric model flights to a simple one minute circuit of the field and complete a landing, while noting any trim corrections required for the subsequent flight. Cautiously extend the flight time of each subsequent flight but always land before battery power expiration. A good idea is to ground test the system by timing the fully charged battery at full throttle and always land well before that time limit expires.

Jim Baxter, April 2001

Technical page

Rev..06-02-01.. jb

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