คำตอบที่ 1
2012 Polaris Ranger RZR 570
Engine Type:4-Stroke DOHC Single Cylinder
Displacement: 567cc
Fuel System: Electronic Fuel Injection
Cooling: Liquid
Transmission/Final Drive: Automatic PVT P/R/N/L/H; Shaft
Drive System: On-Demand True AWD/2WD
Engine Braking System: Not Equipped
Front Suspension: Dual A-Arm with Anti-Sway Bar 9" (22.9 cm) Travel
Rear Suspension: Dual A-Arm, Rolled with Anti-Sway Bar 9.5" (24 cm) Travel
Front/Rear Brakes: 4-Wheel Hydraulic Disc with Dual-Bore Front Calipers
Parking Brake: Park in Transmission
Tires: Front - 25 x 8-12
Rear: 25 x 10-12
Wheels: Stamped Steel
Wheelbase :196cm.
Dry Weight:430kg.
Overall Vehicle Size (L x W x H): 262cm. x 127cm. x 176cm.
Ground Clearance: 25cm.
Fuel Capacity: 28L.
Bed Box Dimensions (L x W x H): 50cm. x 101cm. x 23.
Box Capacity: 136kg.
Payload Capacity: 335kg.
Hitch Towing Rating: 680kg.
Hitch Type Standard:1.25 in.
Cargo System: Lock & Ride
Lighting:Halogen, 50W
Instrumentation: Digital Gauge, Speedometer, Odometer, Tachometer, Tripmeter, Hour Meter, Clock, Gear Indicator, Fuel Gauge, Hi-Temp/
Colors: Red