คำตอบที่ 41
ถ้าเหมือนในรูปนี้เค้าเรียกว่า Pinzgauer 6 WD SUV TYPE 712K มี 2 รุ่นคือ4x4 และ6x6 ถ้าเป็นหลังคาผ้าใบจะใช้รหัส 710ใน4x4wd และ712ใน6x6wd ส่วนถ้าเป็นหลังคาแข็ง(ตามรูป) ใช้รหัส 710k ใน4x4wd และ712k ใน6x6wd ตามลำดับ ส่วนสเปกลองแปรดูเองครับ
Specifications of the gasoline powered 710 and 712
The Engine:
4 cylinder 2.5L air-cooled gasoline 90 hp.
(The 115 hp 6 cyl turbo-diesel by VW
is not available in the US).
Fuel tank: 20 gallons.
Fuel consumption: Gas engine 12-14 mpg;
Diesel 20-30 mpg.
Top speed: 710 4x4 - 68 mph; 712 6x6 - 60 mph.
The Drivetrain:
Synchronized 5 speed manual transmission,
shift on the fly.
4WD with synchronized 2 speed transfer case,
shift on the fly.
Hydraulic OEM lockers on all differentials.
Heavy-duty driveline.
Portal axles.
Gear ratios:
Both the 712 6X6 & the 710 4X4 -
1st - 5.33:1
2nd - 3.24:1
3rd - 2.05:1
4th - 1.3:1
5th- 1.0:1
Diffs: 2.84:1.
Portal axles - 2.26:1
The T-case is different:
710 4X4 712 6X6
High 0.88:1 1.0:1
Low 1.69:1 1.92:1
Final drive ratio in low/low:
710 4X4 712 6X6
57.8:1 65.7:1.
Suspension & Weight:
710 4x4 model-Independent coil on all 4 wheels.
712 6x6 model-Independent coil on front wheels,
leaf springs on the rear.
Ground clearance, light load 15-17 inches;
heavy load 13-15 inches.
Fording - 2 feet, 4 inches.
Approach/departure angle: 45/45 degrees.
Climb angle: 100%.
Sideslope: 40%.
Turning radius: 710 - 34 feet; 712 - 40 feet.
Curb weight: 710 - 4,300 lb; 712 - 5,200 lb.
Payload: 710 - 2,400 lb; 712 - 3,300 lb.
Towing: 710 - 3,300 lb; 712 - 4,000 lb.
Electrical system:
24 volts.
Two 12 volt batteries in series.
Use 12 volt converter for small accessories.
Dimensions of the 710 4x4 and the 712 6x6:
Length: 710 - 13'8"; 712 - 16'3".
Height: 6'9".
Width: 5'8".
Wheelbase: 710 - 86.5"; 712 - 79"+39".
Track: 4'8".
Cargo area: 710 - 7'5" X 5'3"; 712 - 9'11" X 5'3".