คำตอบที่ 2
one cent tips....
ตอนประกอบ....ใช้สบู่ช่วย อิอิ
With the upper half out, carefully insert the new seal half into one of the holes in the block and push it all the way in. An article on the International Full-size Jeep Association website recommended to coat the block contacting surface at the upper seal with soap, and the lip of the seal with engine oil, (refer to diagram above). It may help to put a breaker bar on the harmonic balancer on the front of the engine to manually turn the crankshaft. note: the lip of the seal must face to the front of the engine.
Once the upper half is in, coat both sides of the lower seal halfs end tabs with gasket maker, make sure not to get any sealant on the lip of the seal. Next coat the outer surface of the lower seal with soap and the lip of the seal with engine oil, as you did with the upper half. Press the seal into the bearing cap to seat it firmly. Apply gasket maker to both angled edges of the bearing cap, then replace the bearing cap and torque the bolts to the specified torque.
![](picture2010\209255321135.JPG )