คำตอบที่ 2
The price is seem so high in my opinion ,normally I know that it have some shop they modify and renew the body ,interior and engine then sale around 200K-230K bath.
As your information I do not know what is this car spec.
So please check
1.The Engine and Gear box ,is it still original or changed
If it was changed ,what is the new model?
2.Is the engine still working good or you have to come to do more thing after buy?
This will cause you to pay more.
3.Is the main gear and transfer gear still working good and the transfer function is OK ?
4.Check the interior condition ,for this offer price the interior should be look nice and have the air condition.
Because of I normally use the Disco Tdi not the land series but many friend playing with it .
Someone buy it low price and pay high cost for make it in many option but someone buy it high price (after re-new from the shop) and then spend more for the option.
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